Each school is an elite class of society
... is the name of the First bencara. Pharstabencagulo bring them to class. They do not want to go easily into the wrong side of the first to sit
on the bench, but I think it would be great to think the worst of the
Lord ... First bencarara everyone looked at her, in a way, he has been a
great crime.
Padma Nadir Majhi 'novel famous line, "If God is not the polite ml hamlets ... to see her as" Sir-myadamadera bencaradera at first sight, and ... the rest is up to them ass-mules.That kept the boys occupied the first rows of the bench .... phulaskepa paper at the end of the short test incita the whole character who would sit in class and breathtaking ... read at the hands of those who would be the first in their lives .... it seems interesting to me never did.
BUET has been one of them ... someone ... someone address the medical IBA. They still can not sleep duirata examination of the two numbers come out.
The boys on the shoulder of the bat ghurato .... Chemistry exam the day before the afternoon prayers on the morning of the second test, the mother greeting card "on the forehead, which is" thought experiment shoves a single pen in his pocket and went to the hall that the boy,
sir .... within the first ten minutes to look around and check out the objective of Biology guilty after he sat in front of the school tane cigarette phumkate phumkate said,
"one has to do in life ... ?? shoes and socks on one leg ..." he's my boy jibanatai it was more interesting to think. Every moment of life ... every retransmitted incident, fear, fear, survivors enjoyed everything they own .... with pleasure.This is due to the cheleguloi a diverse positions now have better ... much better than the first two days after bencaradera erai be successful ....
the owner of the employees who will be entering the correct answer kagajajure come, come ride the rest of his life in school talented.I believe that I am wrong !! karihayata pharstha bencara I was little room lasta bencarera terms tiutarera alankita'm home!
Padma Nadir Majhi 'novel famous line, "If God is not the polite ml hamlets ... to see her as" Sir-myadamadera bencaradera at first sight, and ... the rest is up to them ass-mules.That kept the boys occupied the first rows of the bench .... phulaskepa paper at the end of the short test incita the whole character who would sit in class and breathtaking ... read at the hands of those who would be the first in their lives .... it seems interesting to me never did.
BUET has been one of them ... someone ... someone address the medical IBA. They still can not sleep duirata examination of the two numbers come out.
The boys on the shoulder of the bat ghurato .... Chemistry exam the day before the afternoon prayers on the morning of the second test, the mother greeting card "on the forehead, which is" thought experiment shoves a single pen in his pocket and went to the hall that the boy,
sir .... within the first ten minutes to look around and check out the objective of Biology guilty after he sat in front of the school tane cigarette phumkate phumkate said,
"one has to do in life ... ?? shoes and socks on one leg ..." he's my boy jibanatai it was more interesting to think. Every moment of life ... every retransmitted incident, fear, fear, survivors enjoyed everything they own .... with pleasure.This is due to the cheleguloi a diverse positions now have better ... much better than the first two days after bencaradera erai be successful ....
the owner of the employees who will be entering the correct answer kagajajure come, come ride the rest of his life in school talented.I believe that I am wrong !! karihayata pharstha bencara I was little room lasta bencarera terms tiutarera alankita'm home!
by Nahian
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