Ancient and classical Bengal
Stone age tools found in the Greater Bengal region indicate human habitation for over 20,000 years.Remnants of Copper Age settlements date back 4,000 yearsLearn Bangladesh
This is filled with natural rupabaicitrye Bangladesh. There are many tourist attractions in the country known to the unknown. The archaeological, historical mosques and monuments, the world's longest natural sea beach, mountains, forests and wildlife. The country's natural beauty fascinate tourists. Each distinctly different specialized areas of the country.
Bangladesh is located in the north-eastern part of South Asia. Himalaya Mountains in the north and south of the border, not far from the Bay of Bengal. West of India, West Bengal, east of India, Tripura, Mizoram and Myanmar's mountainous areas. Bangladesh mainly flat land surrounded by rivers. Major rivers include the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Surma, Kushiyara, Meghna and Karnaphuli.
Each of the different types of natural beauty and diet. Royal Bengal Tiger in the Sundarbans in Bangladesh. There are also temples made of red clay. Major tourist areas in the country include: srrimangala, across the miles of tea gardens. Mainamoti archaeological relics are in places, and Paharpur Mahasthangarh. Rangamata, kaptai and Cox's Bazar is famous for natural scenery. There are wild animals and forests in the Sundarbans mangrove forest is located prthibikhyata.
PopulationPopulation: 152 millionM: 7,635 millionFemale: 7,615 millionLiteracy rate: 60%Language:Bengali (national language) - 95% of the populationOther language - 5%English is used.
ReligionMuslims - 86.6%Hindu - 121%Buddhist - 0.6%Christians - 0.4% andOther - 0.3%.
Population growth rate: 1.37%Birth rate per thousand people in 2512Mortality rate: 8.47 per thousand persons
Gender distribution:The sex ratio (males per 100 females against): 100.3Fertility rate: nariprati .3 child (source)
Race:The: 98%Small ethnic group: II%The main ethnic groups: Chakma, Marma, Santal, Garo, Manipuri, Tripura, tanacanga
GeographyGeographical location:6 ° 38 'north latitude 0 ° 34' north latitude and88 ° 01 'east longitude to 9 ° 41' east longitude
Size: 147.570 km (Land: 133.910 km, Aquatic: 10.090 km)
Border:In response, India (West Bengal and Meghalaya)West India (West Bengal)Before India (Tripura and Assam) and MyanmarSouth BayThe length of the border: 4246 km. (Myanmar: 193 km., India: 4.053 km.)
Sea borders: 580 km.Continental shelf: Continental margin to the outer limitsSpecial economic zone: 00 nautical milesSea areas: 1 nautical mile
Land Type: mainly plains, hilly lands to the east and southeast
Capital, Dhaka
Area-based statistics:Section 7 - Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Barisal, RangpurDistrict 64BMW 488
The main rivers: Padma, Meghna, Jamuna, Surma, Brahmaputra, Karnafuli, Teesta, Shitalakshya, Rupsha, Madhumati, Gorai, Mohananda
ClimateType of climate: subtropical monsoonThe average temperature in winter is 11 ° C - 0 ° C (October - February)Summer 1 ° C - 38 ° C (March - September)Rainfall: 1100 mm. - 3400 mm. (June - August)
Humidity:99% (July)Minimum 36% (December - January)EconomyAchievement: Bangladesh D8 member of the Goldman syasa the "Next Eleven Economy of the world" consideredGDP: GDP per capita $ 1,314 (015) (source)GDP growth (%): 612 (20132014)Poverty
rate: 5% ($ for every two people living below)Dependence on international aid: The%Paddy, jute, tea, wheat, sugarcane, pulses, mustard, potato, vegetables, etc.Main industries:
Garments (the world's second largest art),
folding (the world's largest producer), tea, ceramic, cement, leather, chemicals, fertilizers, processed shrimp, sugar, paper, electric and electronic goods, pharmaceuticals, fisheries.Main exports: clothing (the world's second largest art), frozen shrimp,
tea, leather and leather products, jute and jute products (jute production in Bangladesh in the first), ceramic, IT outsourcing, etc.Main imports: wheat, fertilizers, petroleum products, cotton, food oil, etc.
The main mineral resources: natural gas, oil, coal, ceramic, glass sand, etc.Currency: money (BD - symbol Tk)1000, 500, 100, 50, 0, 10, 5, II, and 1, and notes50, 5, 10, 5, 5, 10, 5 and 1 penny
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