Rates were mad at the boy two men kiss ...
Orlando 'pulse' of his attack at the police initially 'jangihana called Matin father Mir Omar Siddiqui's claims, but the assailant, who was not fanatical. Once he was angry at the two men kiss. Omar's ex-wife claimed today, Omar was not fanatical. Every day he used to beat him.
Siddiqui told a press Mir America, '' no religion has nothing to do with the attack. A few months ago we went to Miami. Omar was very angry at the two men kiss. But would such a thing, I could not imagine it. We apologize to everyone. ''
Omar's ex-wife said today on condition of anonymity, would beat him for no reason Omar. In his words, 'I am lucky. So he was able to stay away from. ''
She said that, Omar Afghan-born parents. However, Omar was born in New York. His speech, later in the conversation with Omar, he was married in March 009. In his words, '' used in the first few months and normal. But later changed. Frivolously turn beat me home. '' 011 Omar was with his divorce.
Inspired by Islamic fundamentalist Omar dhyanadharanaya whether his ex-wife said, '' Umar was not fanatical. A minor sansodhanagare phlaridara worked as a security guard. He was one of the handguns. ''
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