BIN Registration National Board of Revenue (NBR), Bangladesh (Vat)

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Adapting the new VAT Law 2016, every taxpayer must register a BIN (Business Identification Number). Every transaction, activity inside the IVAS system will be managed under the BIN, this help government identifies and differentiates between entities. This guideline aims to help Taxpayer to fill up Mushak 2.1 to register for BIN. Each item on the form will be guided with:

Item description, the general explanation for the item.

Sample data

Notes and remarks.

2. Filling Instruction Notes:
In this form, Alpha-numeric means character,
digit or both character & digit
 1. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Fill up correct TIN of the taxpayer. In system, TIN shall be checked. 446337634099. Required field. The field must be filled up with 12 digits.

 2. Name of the individual or business entity to be registered Fill up the name of individual or business entity registered. Solution Management International LTD. Required field. The field can be filled up with max of 100 characters.

3. Registered office address

3.1. Address type Provide the type of Address of registered office, it can be: City Format Village Format City Format Required field.

3.2. District/ Zilla Fill up District/ Zilla of registered office. Dhaka Required field.

3.3. Road No./Name Fill up the name or number of the road where the registered office is based.
01687989899 Optional field. In case of being filled up, this field must be filled up with 11 digits and start with 0.09, Purana Mogultuly, Dhaka Required field if “City Format” is filled up in

3.1. The field can be filled up with max of 100 alpha-numeric.

3.4. Block Fill up the name or number of the block where the registered office is based. 11 Required field if “City Format” is filled up in

3.1. The field length can be max of 10 alphanumeric.

 3.5. Holding No. Fill up the holding number where the registered office is based. 12F Required field if “City Format” is selected in

3.1. The field can be filled up with max of 10 alphanumeric.

 3.6. Village Fill up the name of the village where the registered office is based. Halmet Required field if “Village Format” is selected in

3.1. The field can be filled up with max of 100 characters.

3.7. Upazilla Fill up the name of upazilla where the registered office is based. Purana Required field if “Village Format” is selected in

3.1. 3.8. Postal Code Fill up the postal provided to allocate the taxpayer to concerned Tax Office. 1100 Required

3.9. Name of Mouza Fill up name of Mouza where registered office located, if available. Mogultuly Optional field. In case of being filled up, this field can be filled up with max of 40 characters.

3.10. Phone No. Fill up name of Phone number of registered office, if available. 01687989898 Optional field. In case of being filled up, this field must be filled up with 11 digits and start with 0.

3.11. Fax No. Fill up Fax number of registered office, if available.01687989899 Optional field. In case of being filled up, this field must be filled up with 11 digits and start with 0.

 3.12. Cell No. Fill up Mobile number that will receive SMS notification from Tax Office. 01787787788 Required field. This field must be filled up with 11 digits and start with 01.

 3.13. Email Fill up Email of registered office that will receive all notifications from Tax Office. Required field. The field can be filled up with max of 214 characters.

3.14. Website Fill up the website of registered office, if available. Optional field. If being filled up, the field can be filled up with max of 132 characters.

4. Address of branches
4.1. Address Fill up Address of branches in case of central registration, if available 11, Purana Mogultuly, Dhaka Optional field. In cases of being filled up, the field can be filled up with max of 60 characters.

4.2. Mouza Fill up name of Mouza where branch is located, if available. It can be entered with one or multi-lines. Mogul Optional field. In cases of being filled up, this field can be filled up with max of 40 characters.

4.3. Cell No. Fill up Cell phone number of branch, if available. 01887786778 Optional field. In cases of being filled up, this field must be filled up up with 11 digits and start with 01.

 4.4. Phone No. Fill up phone number of branch, if available. 02787786778 Optional field. In cases of being filled up, this field must be filled up up with 11 digits and start with 0.

4.5. Email Fill up Email of branch, if available. Optional field. In cases of being filled up, this field can be filled up with max of 214 characters.

5. Bank Account Nos. At least one Bank account information is required, a bank account information can be considered as completed if all four information are filled, including: Account Name, Account Nos., Name of the Bank, Branch.

5.1. Account Name Fill up name of the owner of Bank account Monahapatra Required field. The field can be filled up with max of 100 characters.

 5.2. Account Nos. Fill up Bank account number 20578 Required field. The field can be filled up with max of 30 digits.

 5.3. Name of the Bank Fill up name of corresponding bank to previously provided bank account AB Bank Required field.

 5.4. Branch Fill up name of corresponding bank branch to previously provided bank account Mirpur Required field. 6. What is your annual turnover?

6.1. Taka Fill up expected annual turnover for the next/previous year for Headquarter. 90,00,000 Required field 6.2. In word Fill up the amount in line

6.1 in words. (In system, System automatically display the amount in word when taxpayer clicks “Validate” or “Submit”.) Ninety Lakh Taka Required field.

7. Registration type Fill up type of registration. One of 2 these value: “Register for VAT” or “Enlistment for turnover tax” can be filled up. If amount of Annual turnover entered in field

 6.1 is greater or equals to 30 Lakh and is smaller or equals to 80 Lakh: enter either

“Registration for VAT” and in field 12 will be filled “Voluntary” “Enlistment for turnover tax” and in field 12 will be filled “Mandatory” If amount of Annual turnover entered in field

6.1 is greater than 80 Lakh, enter “Registration for VAT” and in field 12 will be filled “Mandatory” If amount of Annual turnover entered in field

 6.1 is smaller or equals to 30 Lakh, enter “Registration for VAT” and in field 12 will be filled “Voluntary” Registration for VAT Required field.

8. Are you required to withhold VAT from supplies made to you by other VAT registered taxpayers? Fill up “Yes” or “No” depending. Fill up “No” as default If Fill up “Yes”, must mark on the appropriate following item(s) in the checkbox list: Government Entity NGO Public Limited Company Post-secondary educational institution Registered persons operating under LTUVAT Bank, Insurance or other Financial Institution No Required field

 9. Legal format/type of organization or taxable person Fill up one of the provided legal format/type of organization or taxable person Individual Proprietorship Partnership Private Limited Company Public Limited Company Branch of Foreign Company Diplomatic International Organization

Other (please specify below). Private Limited Company Required field. If select “Other”, the detailed information should be provided in the following box, it can be filled up with max of 60 characters

10. Are you also required to pay the following taxes? Fill up one or more of these three value depends on Taxpayer’s business. Supplementary Duty Excise Duty Surcharge Supplementary Duty, Optional field. In cases of being filled up “Supplementary Duty”, “Register for VAT” must be entered in field

 9 and “Mandatory” in Field

12. 11. Effective date of Registration/Enlistment Fill up Effective date with format DD/MM/YYYY. The date input can be earlier (no more than 365 days) or equal to the submission date 04/11/2016 Required field.

12. Application Category Fill up one of two value Mandatory Voluntary Mandatory Required field.

13. Application Type Fill up one of these following two value New Registration Re-registration New Registration Required field. In case of entering Re-registration, Old BIN has to be entered . The field must be filled up with 10 or 11 digits.

14. Director/Partner/Proprietor’s information At least one information for Director/Partner/Proprietor’s must be enterred.

14.1. TIN Fill up TIN of the director or who represent for business 446337634088 Required field. The field length must be with 12 digits

14.2. Name Fill up name of owner with TIN keyed in field

14.1 Kamanas Required field. Name is in UPPERCASE and the field length can be max of 30 characters.

14.3. Share (%) Fill up number of percent (%) share of shareholders of registered office, if available. 40% Optional field. In cases of being filled up, this field length can be 3 digits (0 – 100). Please be noted that the sum of all Share must be smaller or equal to 100%.

14.4. Identity Information Fill up dentity Information. It can be either “NID” or “Passport information”. Fill up “NID”, fill up NID in filed

14.5 Fill up “Passport information”, fill up in filed

14.6 NID Required field.

 14.5. NID Fill up NID of shareholders of registered office 19750623209426243 Required field if “NID” is Filled up in field

 14.4. NID must be 17 digits in length

14.6. Passport No Fill up Passport number of shareholders of registered office AB1119849 Required field if “Passport information” is filled up in field

14.4. The field length can be with max 30 Alphanumeric

14.7. Issuing Country Fill up issuing Country of the Passport Bangladesh Required field if “Passport information” is filled up in field 14.4 The field length can be with max 100 characters

 14.8. Designation Filling Instruction for Mushak-2.1 9/11 Fill up TIN of shareholders of registered office 19750623209436554 Optional field. In cases of being filled up, this field can be filled up with max 30 characters.

15. Type of business activity Select one or multiple Types of following business activity. If “Other” is selected, fill in with own business activity Importer Exporter Service Renderer Farming/Fishing Supplier (Manufacturer Supplier (Trader Mining Other (please specify below) Exporter Required field. If fill up “Other”, provide the detailed information in the following box, it can be filled up with max of 60 characters 16. Type of economic activity

 16.1. Select (√) the appropriate economic activity [where applicable] * Select one or multiple types of following economic activity. If select “Other” , fill in with own business activity Retail Wholesale Manufacturing Building & Construction Seasonal Business Service Renderer Mining Farming/ Fishing Other (please specify below) Exporter Filling Instruction for Mushak-2.1 10/11 Retail Required field. If fill up “Other”, provide the detailed information in the following box, it can be filled up with max of 60 characters

16.2. Describe the business conducted in as much detail as possible. Enter Economic activity description of registered office. Telecommunication service provider Required field. The field length can be with max 200 characters

17. Declaration

 17.1. The individual signing this form is the Fill up the role of individual signing this form. The following value can be filled up: Owner Managing Director Principal partner of a partnership Company secretary Other (please specify below) Managing Director Required field. If fill up “Other”, provide the detailed information in the following box, it can be filled up with max of 60 characters

17.2. Other This field is not required to fill up. If fill u “Other” in

17.1, specify the title of the individual signing the form. Chief accountant Optional field. If being filled up, the field length can be with max 60 characters

 17.3. First name Fill up First name of the individual signing this form. Yasin Required field. The field length can be with max 50 characters

17.4. Last name Fill up Last name of the individual signing this form. Amand Required field. The field length can be with max 50 characters

17.5. TIN of signing person Fill up TIN of the individual signing this form Chief accountant 513196257540 Required field. The field length must be with 12 digits. Filling Instruction for Mushak-2.1 11/11 17.6. National Identification Number (NID) Provide NID of the individual signing this form Optional field. either NID or Passport information can be selected 17.6.1.NID Fill up NID of the individual signing this form 19912624264000031 Required field fill if NID in field

 17.6 is selected. NID must be 17 digits in length 17.7. Passport Information Provide passport information of the individual signing this form Optional field. either NID or Passport information can be selected

17.7.1.Passport No Fill up Passport number of the individual signing this form AB1119848 Required field fill if Passport information in field

 17.7 is selected. Passport No. can be max with 30 Alphanumeric

17.7.2.Issuing Country Fill up issuing Country of the Passport Bangladesh Required field if Passport information in field

17.7 is selected. The field length can be with max 100 characters

17.7.3. Date of Issue Fill up the date that passport is issued. Select form date picker (Ctrl + Shift + scroll the mouse wheel to select a different month/year), or input under format DD/MM/YYYY. 10/11/2015 Required field if Passport information in field

17.7 is selected. 17.7.4. Date of Expiration Fill up the date that passport is expired. Select form date picker (Ctrl + Shift + scroll the mouse wheel to select a different month/year), or input under format DD/MM/YYYY. 10/11/2017 Required field if Passport information in field

17.7 is selected.

 17.7.5. I declare that the particular …. Respect Tick to confirm the correctness of information before submitting form. The form cannot be submitted without clicking this button.

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